Sunday, May 14, 2017

My Speech

My Graduation Speech
I want to start off my speech by first thanking everyone who has been there along all of our journeys up until this moment. The teachers, parents, students, and most importantly friends. My whole school experience has been a movie, like I might actually make a movie about it someday. I think it’s really important that we benefit from each other and become closer because it seems that we practically live at school. And I strongly believe that our class of 2017 did a great job at that.
In most graduation speeches people talk about their anecdotes from each and every year that they were in school like: “In first grade I always used to pick my nose in class” or “In 2nd grade my mom always left a note in my lunchbox”, and yeah everyone should cherish those moments but I feel like what we learned in school is deeper than that.

When I first started at the Golf School District,  I was in 2nd grade. I felt very welcomed and I met so many new friends, that are graduating in this class today! It was really different when transferring from private school to public. Me and my brother got on the bus and we didn’t even know what it was going to be like. But luckily for me all of the teachers and staff made me feel very welcomed.
I remember when we were in 5th grade, and Ms. Chvojka gave a speech about legacy. And I remember thinking, “woah that was an impressive speech”. When you look up legacy though, the definition says “an amount of money or property left to someone in a will”... But I don’t think that's what she was talking about.

Throughout my education, I have found a-lot of obstacles that have not only made me smarter, but made me more mature. And as we went from little 1st graders that always picked our noses in class, to 8th graders who, might sometimes almost fall asleep in class, it is important to not just be compassionate for our classmates, but also for the class below us and the class below them too.

Also for the other students that are sitting here thinking about when you will be in our spot. My advice to you is to keep working hard and it will all pay off.

Finally, I believe that everyone at Golf works really hard to prepare us for not just high school, but later on in life too, wherever we may go! Not only did I learn so much, but I also had a blast along the way. So I would like to thank all of my awesome teachers and friends that have been there for me along the way.

I guess if my middle school experience was a movie, this would be the credits, but not to worry, the sequel: High School is just around the Corner! Thanks.


  1. All the best to you in high school!

  2. I will not be surprised if I see you name on the big screen some day. Enjoy high school!
