Sunday, October 23, 2016

A childhood favorite
   One of my favorite things when I was little was Star Wars. It all started when I was probably 3-4 years old. I was at was cousins house and he showed me all of his awesome star wars toys! After that I was completely obsessed with Star Wars. I started to collect my own toys. On every Birthday and Christmas I asked for more, and by the time I was 8, I had Bins full of Star Wars legos, and action figures! Not only that, but I also loved to watch the movies, I watched the newer movies over and over again! my favorite character was Qui Gon Jinn, from episode 1. Sooner or Later all of the Star Wars stuff started to bore me, and It wasn't that fun anymore. Last year when the new Star Wars movie came out I really loved It! It really reminded me of how exiting Star Wars really is!  

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